北卡罗来纳州新任州长Josh Stein宣誓就职 面对立法挑战组建了团队 North Carolina's new governor, Josh Stein, sworn in, sets up team amid legislative challenges.
北卡罗来纳州新任民主党州长Josh Stein已经宣誓就职,并任命了关键工作人员。 North Carolina's new Democratic governor, Josh Stein, has been sworn in and has appointed key staff members. 这些任命包括立法主任John Lucey和研究主任Juan Molina。 Among the appointments are John Lucey as legislative director and Juan Molina as research director. Stein在由共和党控制的立法机构中面临着挑战,但他的经验和关系可能有助于他实现经济增长和保护个人自由等目标。 Stein faces challenges with a Republican-controlled legislature, but his experience and relationships may help him achieve goals such as economic growth and protecting personal freedoms.