尼日利亚牧师Enoch Adeboye在一个教会活动中在麦加对他人工智能改造的形象发表讲话. Nigerian pastor Enoch Adeboye addresses AI doctored image of him in Mecca during a church event.
上帝救赎基督教会(Reredemption Christian Church of God)的领袖伊诺克·阿德博伊(Enoch Adeboye)牧师谈到了网上出现的一张人工智能生成的图像,该图像将他显示为沙特阿拉伯麦加的“Alhaji”。 Pastor Enoch Adeboye, leader of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, addressed an AI-generated image that surfaced online, showing him as an "Alhaji" in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. 他在2025年1月4日的一次教堂活动期间幽默地承认了这一形象。 He humorously acknowledged the image during a church event on January 4th, 2025. Adeboye还强调祈祷和禁食的重要性,预测2025年将发生大规模地震,并敦促为世界和平祈祷。 Adeboye also emphasized the importance of prayer and fasting, predicting a massive earthquake in 2025 and urging prayers for global peace.