NFU互助会向41个米德兰慈善机构捐赠182 000英镑,用于支持医疗保健和社区服务。 NFU Mutual donates over £182,000 to 41 Midlands charities, supporting healthcare and community services.
设在斯特拉特福德的一家保险公司NFU South向米德兰的41个慈善机构捐赠了182 000英镑,由当地办事处从192万英镑的国家基金中挑选。 NFU Mutual, an insurance company based in Stratford, has donated over £182,000 to 41 charities across the Midlands, selected by its local offices from a national fund of £1.92 million. 这些捐款支持各种事业,包括保健、粮食援助和心理健康服务。 The donations support various causes, including healthcare, food assistance, and mental health services. 一位受益人Warwickshire和Solihull Blood Bikes收到3 254英镑,用于资助一辆新摩托车。 One beneficiary, Warwickshire and Solihull Blood Bikes, received £3,254 to fund a new motorbike. 该公司的区域经理Mike Alder赞扬这些慈善机构对其社区产生的影响。 The company’s regional manager Mike Alder praised the impact these charities have on their communities.