Moore MyoWorx更新网站, 改善患者资源及脑震荡治疗途径。 Moore MyoWorx updates website to improve patient resources and accessibility for concussion therapy.
Moore MyoWorx, 位于Guelph的脑震荡治疗领头人, 将在两周内推出更新网站, Moore MyoWorx, a leader in concussion treatment based in Guelph, is launching an updated website in two weeks to enhance patient resources and accessibility. 新平台将包含详细的教育内容,优化为移动设备,使患者在康复旅途中获得权能。 The new platform will feature detailed educational content, optimized for mobile devices, to empower patients in their recovery journey. 其目的是加强诊所在提供明确和有效的脑震荡疗法解决方案方面的声誉。 It aims to strengthen the clinic's reputation for providing clear and effective concussion therapy solutions.