露西・莱特比因谋杀婴儿被判有罪 在戒备森严的监狱里度过35岁生日 Lucy Letby, convicted of murdering infants, spends her 35th birthday in a high-security prison.
露西·莱特比因谋杀7名婴儿和试图杀害7名婴儿而被定罪,她将在监狱度过35岁生日,没有任何庆祝活动。 Lucy Letby, convicted of murdering seven infants and attempting to kill seven more, will spend her 35th birthday in prison with no celebrations. 在HMP Bronzefield,她的生日卡将由嗅探犬进行药物检查,而且由于她是一个受人瞩目的囚犯,她将面临持续的安全。 At HMP Bronzefield, her birthday cards will be screened for drugs by sniffer dogs, and she will face constant security due to her status as a high-profile inmate. Letby因在护士工作期间所犯的罪行被判处无期徒刑。 Letby received a whole-life sentence for her crimes committed while working as a nurse.