肯尼亚学校面临财政危机, 原因是政府资金延迟, 将费用推到家长身上。 Kenyan schools face a financial crisis due to delayed government funding, pushing costs onto parents.
肯亚学校面临财政危机, 政府延迟为运作提供重要资金。 Kenyan schools face a financial crisis as the government delays crucial funding for operations. 随着965,501名中学考生的退出,今年没有新的一年级,中学可能损失高达210亿瑞郎。 With the exit of 965,501 secondary school candidates and no new Form One class this year, secondary schools could lose up to Sh21 billion. 政府拨出480亿瑞郎用于人均教育,但学校通过额外收费将财政负担转移给家长。 The government has allocated Sh48 billion for capitation, but schools have shifted the financial burden to parents through extra fees. 全国家长协会正敦促政府进行干预,处理这些“未经批准”的税收问题。 The National Parents Association is urging government intervention to address these "unsanctioned" levies.