莱利县的K-18高速公路因冬季天气关闭,但此后又重新开放。 K-18 highway in Riley County closed due to winter weather but has since reopened.
莱利县的K-18高速公路部分部分于1月4日因冬季天气关闭,影响了莱利县线至塞斯童路和从塞斯童路到风景区的东方向. Parts of the K-18 highway in Riley County were closed on January 4 due to winter weather, affecting the stretch from the Riley County line to Seth Child Road and eastbound from Seth Child Road to Scenic. 在关闭期间,交通被转移。 Traffic was diverted during the closures. 自那时以来,这条公路已经重新开放,但鉴于冰冷条件,司机应谨慎行事。 The highway has since been reopened, but drivers are advised to proceed with caution due to icy conditions.