Jeff Baena, Aubrey Plaza的丈夫,47岁死于自杀, Jeff Baena, husband of Aubrey Plaza, died by suicide at 47, amid other entertainment news.
Justin Bieber和Hailey Bieber分享了自相矛盾的谣言,反驳分裂的谣言。 Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber shared a selfie to refute split rumors. 电影导演兼Aubrey Plaza的丈夫Jeff Baena于47岁死于自杀。 Jeff Baena, film director and husband of Aubrey Plaza, died at 47 by suicide. Keith Urban 与INXS的Andrew Farriss 举行献礼。 Keith Urban performed a tribute duet with INXS's Andrew Farriss. 一名悉尼男子因在TikTok视频中与一名停车检查员对峙而遭到强烈反对。 A Sydney man faced backlash for confronting a parking inspector in a TikTok video. 英国正在经历严重暴风雪,造成航班取消和停电。 Britain is experiencing severe snowstorms, causing flight cancellations and power cuts. Woolworths现在将按客户需求销售澳洲日商品。 Woolworths will now stock Australia Day merchandise after customer demand.