印度板球教练Gambhir支持Kohli和Sharma, 将团队需求置于个人斗争之上。 Indian cricket coach Gambhir backs Kohli and Sharma, prioritizing team needs over individual struggles.
印度板球教练Gautam Gambhir支持老牌球员Rohit Sharma和Virat Kohli, 尽管他们最近在针对澳大利亚的测试系列中表现不佳。 Indian cricket coach Gautam Gambhir supports veteran players Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli, despite their recent poor performances in the Test series against Australia. Gambhir强调团队对个别决定的兴趣,强调国内板球对运动员发展的重要性。 Gambhir emphasizes team interest over individual decisions, highlighting the importance of domestic cricket for player development. 他驳斥关于退休的猜测,指出团队需要在未来系列之前做好准备。 He dismisses speculation about retirements, noting the team's need for preparation ahead of future series.