印度艺术家Raphael Warjri在达卡揭幕了纪念自由战士U Tirot Sing的雕塑。 Indian artist Raphael Warjri unveils sculpture honoring freedom fighter U Tirot Sing in Dhaka.
印度艺术家Raphael Warjri感谢梅加拉亚政府在孟加拉国达卡启用自由战士U Tirot Sing的雕塑。 Indian artist Raphael Warjri thanked the Meghalaya government for commissioning a sculpture of freedom fighter U Tirot Sing, inaugurated in Dhaka, Bangladesh. 庆祝Tirot Sing与达卡的历史关系。 This project, part of cultural celebrations, honors Tirot Sing's historical ties to Dhaka. Warjri与MES 101地区和印度考古测量局等组织合作,突出Meghalaya的遗产。 Warjri works with organizations like MES 101 Area and the Archaeological Survey of India to highlight Meghalaya's heritage.