经桑德韦尔理事会批准,将Tipton的旧法院大楼酒吧改建为公寓。 Former Old Court House pub in Tipton to be converted into flats, approved by Sandwell Council.
2021年在蒂普顿关闭的前旧法院大楼酒吧被Imran Afzal改建为四套公寓。 The former Old Court House pub in Tipton, which closed in 2021, is being converted into four flats by Imran Afzal. 计划包括新建一座三层楼,在酒吧停车场后面再建6个公寓,并扩建两层楼。 Plans include a new three-storey building with six additional flats behind the pub's car park and a two-storey extension. 将提供10个离街道停车位和循环储存设施。 Ten off-street parking spaces and cycle storage will be provided. 该开发得到桑德韦尔理事会的批准,该理事会先前曾批评Afzal对另一个场址的计划。 The development was approved by Sandwell Council, which had previously criticized Afzal's plans for another site.