明尼苏达州假的PayPal发票诈骗案激增,诱骗人们为未经订购的技术装置付费。 Fake PayPal invoice scams surge in Minnesota, tricking people into paying for unordered tech gadgets.
明尼苏达州在节日期间再次出现欺骗骗局,涉及伪造的PayPal发票。 A deceptive scam involving fake PayPal invoices is resurging in Minnesota during the holiday season. Scammers发送电子邮件, 假装受款人欠399美元, 以换取未订购的科技工具, Scammers send emails pretending the recipient owes $399 for an unordered tech gadget, urging immediate payment to avoid account suspension. 为避免成为受害者,用户应直接核实其账户,避免可疑的联系或提供号码,并向PayPal报告这些电子邮件。 To avoid falling victim, users should verify their account directly, avoid suspicious links or provided numbers, and report such emails to PayPal.