FADDS戏剧公司推迟了"阿拉丁" 以纪念已故的衣柜女主人琳达·奥吉维-达维斯 FADDS Theatre Company postpones "Aladdin" to honor late wardrobe mistress Linda Ogilvie-Davies.
FADDS戏剧公司已推迟在威尔士渔业卫士Gwaun剧院生产Aladdin,以纪念12月6日去世的已故服装女主人Linda Ogilvie-Davies。 FADDS Theatre Company has postponed its production of Aladdin at Theatre Gwaun in Fishguard, Wales, to honor the late wardrobe mistress, Linda Ogilvie-Davies, who passed away on December 6. 琳达对公司的关键是20多年,处理所有服装的剧和其他制作. Linda was crucial to the company for over 20 years, handling all costumes for the pantomime and other productions. 该公司计划重新安排演出时间,以表彰她的重大贡献。 The company plans to reschedule the show to pay tribute to her significant contributions.