尽管玩家短缺,但Boggabri Kangaroos打算以新的领导来重建其18岁以下的团队。 Despite player shortages, Boggabri Kangaroos aims to rebuild its under-18s team with new leadership.
Boggabri Kangaroos橄榄球联盟俱乐部自2018年以来一直没有18岁的球队, 总统对球员短缺导致球员快速返回表示怀疑。 The Boggabri Kangaroos rugby league club hasn't had an under-18s team since 2018, and the president expresses doubt about its quick return due to player shortages. 然而,初级团队的季节很成功,俱乐部希望为未来建立一个强大的青年基础。 However, the junior team had a successful season, and the club hopes to build a strong youth base for the future. 他们拥有一个新的年轻领导团队,目的是让当地球员参与进来,确保体育在该镇的发展。 With a new, young leadership team, they aim to keep local players engaged and ensure the sport's growth in the town.