Brooke Fielding, Calgary Stampede Princess, 2024年, 获得Breanna Correia的头衔, Brooke Fielding, 2024 Calgary Stampede Princess, passes title to Breanna Correia after a year of public service.
Brooke Fielding, 2024年的卡尔加里王妃, 正在将她的头衔 传给Breanna Correia. Brooke Fielding, the 2024 Calgary Stampede Princess, is passing on her title to Breanna Correia. 在她当政期间,当她代表西方遗产时,露面加强了她在适应能力、沟通、公开演讲和骑马方面的技能。 During her reign, Fielding enhanced her skills in adaptability, communication, public speaking, and horse-riding while representing Western heritage. 一个亮点是与玛格丽特·霍洛威 (Margaret Holloway) 一起参加牛仔节游行。 A highlight was riding in the Stampede parade with Margaret Holloway. Fielding 计划申请兽医学校,并在支持残疾儿童的 Calgary Stampede Queens Alumni 做志愿者。 Fielding plans to apply to veterinary school and volunteer with the Calgary Stampede Queens Alumni, which supports disabled children. 她感谢她的家人、朋友和Stampede社区给予的支持。 She thanks her family, friends, and the Stampede community for their support.