Bollywood制片人反驳批评, 声称最近的Bollywood电影挣得超过500克朗。 Bollywood producers counter criticism, claiming recent Bollywood films have earned over ₹500 crore each.
Bollywood制片人Akshay Kumar和Dinesh Vijan捍卫他们的产业, 反对Telugu制片人Naga Vamsi批评Bollywood电影只适合富裕的孟买社区。 Bollywood producers Akshay Kumar and Dinesh Vijan defended their industry against Telugu producer Naga Vamsi's criticism that Bollywood films only cater to affluent Mumbai neighborhoods. 维扬在"天空力量"预告片发布会上强调,自大流行以来, 印度的五部电影已经取了超过500亿卢比, 抵制了南方电影更成功的说法. During the trailer launch of 'Sky Force,' Vijan highlighted that five Bollywood films have earned over ₹500 crore since the pandemic, countering claims that South films are more successful. 他还呼吁印地语和南印度电影行业之间开展协作。 He also called for collaboration between Hindi and South Indian film industries.