阿塞拜疆监察员开发盲文材料,以保护视障公民权利。 Azerbaijan's Ombudsman develops Braille materials to protect visually impaired citizens' rights.
阿塞拜疆监察员正在制作盲文教育材料,以保护视力障碍者的权利。 The Ombudsman in Azerbaijan is creating Braille educational materials to protect the rights of visually impaired individuals. 针对特殊机构居民的这些材料包括关于监察员的作用、权力和详细联系方式的资料,以及国家预防机制的活动。 These materials, aimed at residents of special institutions, include information on the Ombudsman's role, powers, and contact details, along with activities of the National Preventive Mechanism. 该倡议优先考虑确保视力障碍者的权利和资源。 The initiative prioritizes ensuring rights and resources for the visually impaired.