由于水位上升,密西西比州阿卡布特拉湖处于紧急情况下,引发了最大限度的大坝释放。 Arkabutla Lake in Mississippi under emergency due to rising water levels, prompting maximum dam releases.
美国陆军工兵团宣布Arkabutla湖发生紧急情况, 原因是水位上升, 目前水位为215英尺, 可能达到220英尺。 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has declared an emergency at Arkabutla Lake due to rising water levels, which currently stand at 215 feet and could reach 220 feet. 大坝的最大释放量将持续到水位降到204英尺为止。 Maximum releases at the dam will continue until the water level drops to 204 feet. 预计本周末会下大雨, 引起对附近地区可能发生洪水的担忧。 Heavy rainfall is expected this weekend, raising concerns about potential flooding in nearby areas. 陆军军团强调,堤坝的违章行为并不迫在眉睫,但建议居民保持警惕,遵守当地应急管理准则。 The Army Corps emphasizes that a dam breach is not imminent but advises residents to stay alert and follow local emergency management guidance.