AJ McKee带领密尔沃基豹队 在一场近距离篮球比赛中 在底特律慈善赛上 赢得了64 -56的胜利 AJ McKee led Milwaukee Panthers to a 64-56 win over Detroit Mercy in a close basketball game.
艾杰·麦基得分14分,并增加了6个篮板,带领密尔沃基队以64-56战胜底特律慈悲巨人队. AJ McKee scored 14 points and added six rebounds, leading the Milwaukee Panthers to a 64-56 victory over the Detroit Mercy Titans. Themus Fulks和Jamichael Stillwell也做出了重大贡献,分别达到14点和11点。 Themus Fulks and Jamichael Stillwell also contributed significantly with 14 and 11 points respectively. 尽管奥兰多·洛夫乔伊为底特律队贡献了 20 分、10 个篮板和 5 次助攻,但他们还是功亏一篑。 Despite Orlando Lovejoy's 20 points, 10 rebounds, and five assists for Detroit, they fell short. 胜利使得密尔沃基队的记录提高到11-5和4-1在地平线联盟,而底特律慈悲队则下降到6-11和2-4. The win improves Milwaukee's record to 11-5 and 4-1 in the Horizon League, while Detroit Mercy drops to 6-11 and 2-4.