Sue Cleaver女演员在“康乃馨街”上演了25年的艾琳·格林肖(Eileen Grimshaw), 即将离开节目。 Actress Sue Cleaver, who played Eileen Grimshaw on "Coronation Street" for 25 years, is leaving the show.
女性演员苏·克里弗(Sue Cleaver)在“康乃馨街”上演了25年的艾琳·格林肖(Eileen Grimshaw), 宣布她将在61岁生日后离开节目, Actress Sue Cleaver, who has played Eileen Grimshaw on "Coronation Street" for 25 years, announced she will leave the show after her 61st birthday to pursue new opportunities. Cleaver于2000年加入选手行列, 计划在春天离开, Cleaver, who joined the cast in 2000, plans to depart in the spring with an exit storyline, but has not ruled out a future return. 她的性格是许多难忘的故事的重中之重。 Her character has been central to many memorable storylines. 节目制作人赞扬了Cleaver的贡献,并对她的离开表示悲痛。 The show's producer praised Cleaver's contributions and expressed sadness at her departure.