在总医院演杰森·摩根的演员史蒂夫·伯顿 宣布与米歇尔·伦德斯托姆订婚 Actor Steve Burton, who plays Jason Morgan on General Hospital, announces engagement to Michelle Lundstrom.
Steve Burton 在综合医院扮演Jason Morgan的演员 宣布与Michelle Lundstrom 在Instagram上订婚 Steve Burton, the actor who plays Jason Morgan on General Hospital, announced his engagement to Michelle Lundstrom on Instagram. 这对夫妇分享了他们提案的照片, 包括亲吻Lundstrom的新戒指, 并引用圣经诗篇Jeremiah 29: 11。 The couple shared photos of their proposal, including a kiss with Lundstrom's new ring, and cited the Bible verse Jeremiah 29:11. Burton和Lundstrom于2024年5月确认了他们的关系,并于6月在Emmy日报颁奖典礼上揭幕。 Burton and Lundstrom confirmed their relationship in May 2024 and debuted at the Daytime Emmy Awards in June. 这是Burton的第二次婚姻;他以前曾与前妻Sheree Gustin生过三个孩子。 This is Burton's second marriage; he previously had three children with his ex-wife Sheree Gustin.