亚伯拉罕·格兰特·乔丹在北卡罗来纳州阿什县汽车撞上电线杆后死亡。 Abraham Grant Jordan died after his car crashed into a utility pole in Ashe County, North Carolina.
一名34岁的男子,亚伯拉罕·格兰特·乔丹, 在他的车撞上北卡罗来纳州阿什县的电柱后死亡,1月4日上午10:30左右. A 34-year-old man, Abraham Grant Jordan, died after his car crashed and hit a utility pole in Ashe County, North Carolina, on January 4th at around 10:30 a.m. Jordan's 2004 Honda Element veered off Baldwin Road near Black Bear Inn Road. 目击者看到他走出车外,跑进树林,后来发现他昏迷不醒。 Witnesses saw him exit the car and run into the woods where he was later found unconscious. 尽管约旦患有心肺复苏症并使用AED,但死于医院。 Despite CPR and use of an AED, Jordan died at the hospital. 据信,超速是造成事故的原因。 Excessive speed is believed to have contributed to the accident. 道路被关闭了两个小时,以便进行调查。 The road was closed for two hours for the investigation.