一名18岁的孩子在威胁她在TikTok的前学校后面临重罪指控。 An 18-year-old faced felony charges after threatening her former school on TikTok.
一名18岁的Des Plaines妇女被指控犯有重罪扰乱治安行为,据称她威胁要向TikTok的前小学开枪射击。 An 18-year-old Des Plaines woman was charged with felony disorderly conduct for allegedly threatening to shoot up her former elementary school on TikTok. 学校官员收到匿名消息,并报警,警察追查她家遭到的威胁。 School officials received an anonymous tip and alerted the police, who traced the threat to her home. 没有找到任何武器,在向当局自首之前,她被禁止进入当地学校。 No weapons were found, and she was banned from local school properties before turning herself in to authorities.