VP当选的JD Vance在参议院宣誓就职后做了小手术,次日返回工作岗位。 VP-elect JD Vance had minor surgery after Senate swearing-in, to return to work the next day.
副总统当选JD Vance在乔治华盛顿医院参加参议院星期五宣誓就职仪式后,曾计划做小手术。 Vice President-elect JD Vance had a planned minor surgery at George Washington Hospital after attending the Senate swearing-in ceremony on Friday. 他的发言人说,他将在第二天返回工作。 His spokesperson said he will return to work the next day. 手术是副总统卡玛拉哈里斯 在新参议员宣誓就职时进行的 The surgery occurred while Vice President Kamala Harris was swearing in new senators.