阿富汗北部的巴格兰省发生车祸,造成2人死亡,3人受伤。 Two died and three were injured in a car crash in northern Afghanistan's Baghlan province.
星期五晚上,在阿富汗北部的巴格兰省发生公路事故,造成两人死亡,三人受伤。 Two people were killed and three were injured in a road accident in northern Afghanistan's Baghlan province on Friday evening. 事件发生在Baghlan-e-Markazi区,当时一辆汽车与一辆汽车碰撞。 The incident occurred in Baghlan-e-Markazi district when a vehicle collided with a car. 由于道路条件差、驾驶鲁莽和其他因素,阿富汗的公路事故频繁发生。 Road accidents in Afghanistan are frequent due to poor road conditions, reckless driving, and other factors.