提出自杀威胁的青少年司机导致警察追逐,撞上巡逻车,然后被捕。 Teen driver who made suicidal threats led police chase, crashed into patrol car, then arrested.
一名18岁的司机Dominic Joseph Guerrisi提出自杀威胁,他带领佛罗里达高速公路巡警在新年前夕高速追逐,撞上一辆巡逻车。 An 18-year-old driver, Dominic Joseph Guerrisi, who made suicidal threats, led Florida Highway Patrol officers on a high-speed chase on New Year's Eve, crashing into a patrol car. Guersisi被捕并被指控殴打和殴打执法人员,并逃离和躲避警察。 Guerrisi was arrested and charged with battery and assault on law enforcement officers, and fleeing and eluding police. 涉案的士兵被送入医院,但后来获释。 The troopers involved were hospitalized but have since been released.