教师工会与芝加哥学校因合同问题发生冲突, Teachers' union and Chicago schools clash over contract, awaiting updates amid stalemate.
芝加哥教师工会(CTU)和芝加哥公立学校(CPS)在签订新合同方面陷入僵局,与法官的裁决相反,CTU声称CPS需要教育委员会批准经济提案。 Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) and Chicago Public Schools (CPS) are in a stalemate over a new contract, with CTU claiming CPS needs Board of Education approval for economic proposals, contrary to a judge's ruling. CPS坚持认为,他们致力于达成一项公平协议,支持教育工作者和金融稳定。 CPS maintains they are committed to reaching a fair agreement that supports educators and financial stability. 预计双方将很快提供最新情况。 Both sides are expected to provide updates soon.