Tandy Leather Factory 任命 Johan Hedberg 为新任首席执行官,将于 2025 年 1 月 6 日上任。 Tandy Leather Factory names Johan Hedberg as new CEO, set to take office on January 6, 2025.
Tandy Leather工厂是一家专门的皮革零售商,已任命Johan Hedberg为新的首席执行官,自2025年1月6日起生效。 Tandy Leather Factory, a specialty leather retailer, has appointed Johan Hedberg as its new CEO, effective January 6, 2025. Hedberg 拥有 30 多年的领导经验,将接替 Janet Carr,后者将协助过渡至 3 月。 Hedberg, with over 30 years of leadership experience, succeeds Janet Carr, who will assist with the transition until March. 该公司还欢迎John(Rocky)Sullivan进入董事会,James Pappas和Janet Carr则不再担任董事会职务。 The company also welcomed John (Rocky) Sullivan to its Board of Directors, while James Pappas and Janet Carr stepped down from their board roles.