研究显示,Vagus Nerve刺激可大大改善500名美国病人的严重抑郁症症状。 Study shows Vagus Nerve Stimulation greatly improves severe depression symptoms in 500 U.S. patients.
最近的一项研究表明,瓦古斯·内夫刺激(VNS)可显著改善严重抗治疗性抑郁症的症状。 A recent study indicates that Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) can significantly improve symptoms of severe, treatment-resistant depression. 对全美近500名参与者进行的研究表明,VNS改善了生活质量和日常运作。 Conducted on nearly 500 participants across the US, the research showed that VNS led to better quality of life and daily functioning. 虽然治疗有潜力,但其高成本和有限的保险范围可能限制更广泛的提供。 While the treatment has potential, its high cost and limited insurance coverage may restrict wider availability. 需要进一步研究,以了解对不同患者的长期影响和适合性。 Further research is needed to understand long-term effects and suitability for different patients.