SEEK25天主教会议记录了盐湖城和华盛顿特区超过21 000名青年的出席记录。 SEEK25 Catholic conference sets attendance record with over 21,000 young adults in Salt Lake City and D.C.
21,000多名青年成年人参加了天主教大学学生联谊会(FOCUS)在盐湖城和华盛顿特区举办的SEEK25天主教会议。 Over 21,000 young adults attended the SEEK25 Catholic conference in Salt Lake City and Washington, D.C., organized by the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS). 活动主题是"跟随我",主要内容包括主题演讲,研讨会和弥撒,旨在加强与会者的信仰和促进社区. The event, themed "Follow Me," featured keynote talks, workshops, and Masses, aimed at strengthening faith and fostering community among attendees. SEEK25创下了新纪录,盐湖城有17 274名付费参与者,华盛顿特区有3 355名。 SEEK25 set a new record with 17,274 paid participants in Salt Lake City and 3,355 in D.C. 会议计划明年扩大到俄亥俄州哥伦布、丹佛和得克萨斯州沃思堡。 The conference plans to expand to Columbus, Ohio; Denver; and Fort Worth, Texas, next year.