总统拜登访问新奥尔良, 在新年袭击后支持社区。 President Biden to visit New Orleans to support community after New Year's Day attack.
总统Joe Biden计划在新年恐怖袭击造成14人死亡、35人受伤后, 于星期一访问新奥尔良。 President Joe Biden plans to visit New Orleans on Monday following a New Year's Day terror attack that killed 14 people and injured 35. 这次访问的目的是向受影响家庭和社区提供支持。 The visit aims to offer support to the affected families and community. 拜登和第一夫人吉尔·拜登将与受害者家属、社区成员和官员会面。 Biden and First Lady Jill Biden will meet with victims' families, community members, and officials. 白宫尚未公布具体的时间安排细节。 Specific timing details have not been released by the White House.