尼日利亚艺术家Burna Boy(Burna Boy)和古巴社会名人Cubana Chief Priest为侮辱和金融要求进行公开争吵。 Nigerian artist Burna Boy and socialite Cubana Chief Priest engage in public feud over insults and financial claims.
尼日利亚音乐家Burna Boy(Burna Boy)和古巴社会名人Cubana 首席祭司参与激烈的网上争斗。 Nigerian musician Burna Boy and socialite Cubana Chief Priest are engaged in a heated online feud. 伯纳男孩(Burna Boy)将古巴首席牧师称为「奥韦里·里克·罗斯」, It started when Burna Boy referred to Cubana Chief Priest as "Owerri Rick Ross," which Cubana took as an insult. Cubana分享了一段影片, 暗示Burna Boy过去的金融斗争, Burna否认欠钱, 坚持要用现金支付一切。 In response, Cubana shared a video suggesting Burna Boy's past financial struggles, while Burna denied owing money and insisted he pays for everything in cash. 这次交流在社交媒体上引发了反应,粉丝们站在一边,并在尼日利亚成为热门话题标签。 The exchange has sparked reactions on social media, with fans taking sides and trending hashtags in Nigeria.