在降雨量和水位增加之后,纽约提高了所有62个州的干旱观察。 New York lifts drought watch across all 62 counties following increased rainfall and water levels.
纽约州环境保护部宣布,由于最近的降雨和水位上升,包括纽约市在内的所有62个州的旱情监视已经结束。 New York State's Department of Environmental Conservation has declared an end to the drought watch across all 62 counties, including New York City, due to recent rain and increased water levels. 虽然条件已有改善,储水库已满75%以上,但建议居民保持节水做法。 While conditions have improved, with reservoirs over 75% full, residents are advised to keep up water-saving practices. 旱情观察是11月首次设定的,在取消之前在望与警示之间波动不定。 The drought watch was first set in November and fluctuated between watch and warning levels before being lifted.