纽约 DMV 实施“四后没收”,在四起与毒品或酒精相关的事件后吊销执照。 New York DMV implements 'Forfeit After Four,' revoking licenses after four drug- or alcohol-related incidents.
纽约 DMV 推出了“四后没收”政策,永久撤销有四次与毒品或酒精相关的定罪或事件的人的驾驶特权,低于之前的五次。 New York's DMV has introduced the 'Forfeit After Four' policy, permanently revoking driving privileges for those with four drug- or alcohol-related convictions or incidents, down from the previous five. 该政策还允许在发生了三起此类事件和一起严重驾驶违规事件后,永久拒发执照。 The policy also permits permanent license denial after three such incidents and one serious driving offense. 据国家公路交通安全管理局称,过去犯有与毒品或酒精有关罪行的司机更有可能是累犯。 Drivers with prior drug- or alcohol-related offenses are more likely to be repeat offenders, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.