威斯康星州西北部的房屋大火摧毁了房屋;由于房屋无人居住,因此没有人员伤亡报告。 House fire in northwest Wisconsin destroys home; no injuries reported as house was unoccupied.
威斯康星州西北部的一场房屋火灾导致房屋完全损失,当时屋内没有人,因此没有人员伤亡报告。 A house fire in northwest Wisconsin resulted in the total loss of the home, with no one inside at the time, thus no injuries were reported. 火灾是在周四上午 7 点 20 分左右发现的,来自多个部门的志愿消防员努力扑灭了火灾。 The fire was discovered around 7:20 AM Thursday, and volunteer firefighters from several departments worked to extinguish it. 当地官员仍在调查火灾原因。 Local officials are still investigating the cause of the fire.