Faron Dillon因侵入住宅和攻击他人住宅而被通缉,在向Lafayette的副手开枪后被捕。 Faron Dillon, wanted for home invasion and assault, was arrested after firing on deputies in Lafayette.
Faron Dillon是一名40岁的逃犯,因侵入住宅和在Lafayette用火器进行严重攻击而被通缉,他在向副手开枪后被利文斯顿教区治安官办公室逮捕。 Faron Dillon, a 40-year-old fugitive wanted for home invasion and aggravated assault with a firearm in Lafayette, was arrested by the Livingston Parish Sheriff's Office after firing on deputies. Dillon还面临其他指控,包括企图一级谋杀执法官员和持有火器的重罪犯。 Dillon faced additional charges including attempted first-degree murder of law enforcement officers and being a felon in possession of a firearm. 逮捕时没有任何人员受伤的报告。 The arrest took place without any injuries reported.