Edmonton警方突袭没收了79件违禁武器和市中心商店的18K美元现金,逮捕了3人。 Edmonton police raid seizes 79 banned weapons and $18K in cash from downtown store, arresting 3.
Edmonton警方缴获了79件违禁武器, 包括刀、黄铜指关节和“枪刀”, 以及172包违禁烟草和市中心便利商店的18 000多美元现金。 Edmonton police seized 79 banned weapons, including knives, brass knuckles, and "trench knives," along with 172 packages of contraband tobacco and over $18,000 in cash from a downtown convenience store. 店主和两名雇员被逮捕并被指控贩运武器、拥有被盗财产、欺诈和走私烟草。 The store owner and two employees were arrested and charged with weapons trafficking, possession of stolen property, fraud, and contraband tobacco trafficking. 中士 军士 Sgt. Dana Gehring说,这类物品助长了该市的暴力和动乱。 Dana Gehring stated that such items contribute to violence and disorder in the city. Edmonton警察局的目标是通过这些行动促进更安全的街道。 The Edmonton Police Service aims to promote safer streets through these actions.