尽管在印度的二级市场销售,但外国投资者在2024年的初级市场上展示了净购买额。 Despite selling in India's secondary market, foreign investors showed net buying in the primary market in 2024.
外国机构投资者(FIIs)保持了印度初级市场的净购买量,尽管由于估值高而在二级市场出售。 Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) have maintained net buying in India's primary market despite selling in the secondary market due to high valuations. 12月,FIIs通过交易所出售2 590卢比,但在初级市场上购买了18 036卢比。 In December, FIIs sold Rs 2,590 crore through exchanges but bought Rs 18,036 crore in the primary market. 在整个2024年,FIIs出售了121,210卢比,但在初级市场上购买了121,637卢比,净购买了427卢比。 Throughout 2024, FIIs sold Rs 121,210 crore but bought Rs 121,637 crore in the primary market, showing net buying of Rs 427 crore. 专家认为,由于美元坚挺和具有吸引力的美国债券收益率,FII继续销售,但外国投资者返回印度受到美国政策变化、地缘政治稳定、受控通货膨胀和利率的帮助。 Experts suggest continued FII selling due to a strong US dollar and attractive US bond yields, but foreign investor return to India is aided by US policy changes, geopolitical stability, controlled inflation, and interest rates.