俄亥俄州撞进池塘的车祸导致一人死亡,抢救一人,正在调查中。 Car crash into pond in Ohio leads to one death, rescues one; incident under investigation.
俄亥俄州麦迪逊镇的一个池塘发生车祸,造成一人死亡,一名乘客获救。 A car crash into a pond in Madison Township, Ohio, resulted in one death and the rescue of a passenger. 事件发生在星期五晚上亚马逊一个仓库附近,当时一名司机在一条雪路上失去对一辆汽车的控制。 The incident occurred Friday evening near an Amazon warehouse when a driver lost control of a car on a snowy road. 一名Groveport巡逻官试图营救,但司机后来在医院死亡。 A Groveport Patrol Officer attempted a rescue, but the driver died later at the hospital. 该乘客状况稳定。 The passenger was in stable condition. 当局正在调查这起事件。 Authorities are investigating the incident.