卑诗省警方监督机构在出租车司机 Rajinder Singh 之死一案中清除了维多利亚州警方的罪名。 BC's police watchdog cleared Victoria police in the death of taxi driver Rajinder Singh.
不列颠哥伦比亚省警方的监察结论认为,维多利亚州警方对出租车司机Rajinder Singh在最近的车祸中死亡不负责。 British Columbia's police watchdog concluded that Victoria police were not responsible for the death of taxi driver Rajinder Singh in a recent crash. 独立调查办公室发现,警官在事件发生前的一个交通站期间合法行事,当时有一辆小卡车逃离,与一辆出租车和一辆公共汽车发生碰撞。 The Independent Investigations Office found that officers were acting lawfully during a traffic stop that preceded the incident, which involved a pickup truck fleeing and colliding with a taxi and a bus. 建议该卡车司机收费。 The truck driver has been recommended for charges.