为失踪6个月的Audriana Faust及其在佛罗里达的16岁母亲发出安珀警报。 Amber Alert issued for missing 6-month-old Audriana Faust and her 16-year-old mother in Florida.
Audriana Faust 6个月大的Audriana Faust 和她16岁的母亲Chestria Faust 已经发出安珀警报,据报告他们在佛罗里达迈阿密花园失踪。 An Amber Alert has been issued for 6-month-old Audriana Faust and her 16-year-old mother, Chestria Faust, who were reported missing from Miami Gardens, Florida. 他们最后一次被看到是在元旦夜大约1点20分. 切斯特里亚被描述为一个5英尺6英寸的黑发女人,体重为190磅,而奥德里亚娜有黑发和棕色眼睛. They were last seen on New Year's Eve around 1:20 a.m. Chestria is described as a 5'6" black-haired woman weighing 190 pounds, while Audriana has black hair and brown eyes. 当局认为他们可能已经去了Broward县 Authorities believe they may have traveled to Broward County. 任何有情报的人 都应该联系迈阿密花园警察局 Anyone with information should contact Miami Gardens Police.