越南信息技术外包行业的价值为698万美元,预计到2028年将增至88 000万美元,其驱动力是负担得起的、高质量的劳动力。 Vietnam's IT outsourcing industry, valued at $698M, set to grow to $880M by 2028, driven by affordable, high-quality workforce.
越南信息技术外包行业目前价值近6.98亿美元,预计到2028年将增长到8.8亿美元,年增长率为16.38%。 Vietnam's IT outsourcing industry, currently valued at nearly $698 million, is projected to grow to $880 million by 2028 at a rate of 16.38% annually. 该国的竞争优势来自其负担得起和高质量的劳动力,工程师的收入约为全球平均工资的十分之一。 The country's competitive edge stems from its affordable and high-quality workforce, with engineers earning about one-tenth of the global average salary. 越南在过去两年中名列全球外包提供商前十名。 Vietnam has ranked among the top 10 global outsourcing providers for the past two years.