两名俄勒冈人寻找Sasquatch 因暴露在华盛顿国家森林中而死亡 Two Oregon men searching for Sasquatch died from exposure in Washington's national forest.
两名俄勒冈男子,59岁和37岁, 被发现死在华盛顿的吉福德·平肖特国家森林里, Two Oregon men, aged 59 and 37, were found dead in Washington's Gifford Pinchot National Forest after a Sasquatch hunt. 由于恶劣的天气和恶劣的准备,他们可能死于暴露。 They likely died from exposure due to harsh weather and poor preparation. 圣诞日报告失踪,为期三天的搜索涉及60名志愿者,包括搜索犬和无人驾驶飞机,在Willard附近发现了他们的车辆和尸体。 Reported missing on Christmas Day, a three-day search involving 60 volunteers, including search dogs and drones, found their vehicle and bodies near Willard. 当局赞扬了假期期间的搜寻努力。 Authorities praised the search efforts during the holiday.