两名印度海军伞兵在拉玛克利须那海滩上遭遇降落伞缠绕后获救。 Two Indian Navy paratroopers were rescued after their parachutes tangled over Rama Krishna Beach.
两名印度海军伞兵在Viskhapatnam的Rama Krishna海滩的排练期间,降落伞被缠绕,几乎逃脱了伤害。 Two Indian Navy paratroopers narrowly escaped harm when their parachutes tangled during a rehearsal at Rama Krishna Beach in Visakhapatnam. 他们掉入水中,但获救后安全上岸。 They fell into the water but were rescued and brought to shore safely. 这起事件在视频中拍摄, 突显了海军对安全的承诺, 同时也为即将到来的展示其能力的示威做准备。 The incident, caught on video, highlights the Navy's commitment to safety while preparing for an upcoming demonstration showcasing their capabilities.