三名Sperry高中学生因被控强奸面临成人指控;案件正在调查中。 Three Sperry High School students face adult charges for alleged rape; case under investigation.
三名Sperry高中学生被指控为成年人,罪名是用物品强奸一名同龄学生。 Three Sperry High School students have been charged as adults for allegedly raping a fellow student with an object. Sperry警察局正在调查此案,地区检察官办公室强调,被告在被证明有罪之前,应推定无罪。 The case is under investigation by the Sperry Police, and the District Attorney's office emphasizes that the defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty. 俄克拉荷马州法律允许审判法院决定是否将案件作为少年案件处理。 Oklahoma law allows the trial court to decide if the case should be treated as a juvenile matter. 详情将在法庭而不是媒体上提出。 The full details will be presented in court, not the media.