最高法院命令印度政府在未填补的医疗座位上与利益攸关方会面。 Supreme Court orders India's government to meet stakeholders on unfilled medical seats.
印度最高法院已命令政府召开一次与包括邦和私立医学院在内的利益攸关方的会议,以解决医疗课程中超级专业席位空缺的问题。 The Supreme Court of India has ordered the government to convene a meeting with stakeholders, including states and private medical colleges, to address the issue of vacant super-speciality seats in medical courses. 2023年4月,法院强调指出,有1 003个此类席位没有填补。 In April 2023, the court highlighted that 1,003 such seats were unfilled. 政府成立了一个由利益攸关方代表组成的委员会来解决这一问题,法院现在要求在三个月内提出具体提案。 The government had formed a committee with stakeholder representatives to tackle the issue, and the court now demands a concrete proposal within three months.