警长办公室在德克萨斯 搜寻失踪的少女莉莉·格里姆斯 和她六个月大的女儿 Sheriff's office searches for missing teen Lily Grimes and her 6-month-old daughter in Texas.
史密斯郡警长办公室正在寻找 15岁的Lily Elizabeth Grimes 和她6个月大的女儿Elizabeth May Johnson 她从德克萨斯州的Tyler家失踪了 The Smith County Sheriff's Office is searching for 15-year-old Lily Elizabeth Grimes and her 6-month-old daughter, Elizabeth May Johnson, who went missing from their Tyler, Texas home. Lily才5尺9寸 棕色头发和眼睛 最后穿灰色睡衣裤和黑色T恤 Lily is 5'9" with brown hair and eyes, last seen in gray pajama pants and a dark T-shirt. 伊丽莎白宝宝穿着一条长长的黑衬衫 红弓和波尔卡点裤 Baby Elizabeth was wearing a long black shirt with a red bow and polka-dot pants. 一个尿布袋和一个瓶子被抢走,但汽车座椅被留在后面。 A diaper bag and a bottle were taken, but the car seat was left behind. 任何人如掌握情报,请联系警长办公室(903) 566-6600。 Anyone with information is urged to contact the Sheriff's Office at (903) 566-6600.