Marcos总统宣布1月9日为马尼拉非工作日, President Marcos declares January 9th a non-working day in Manila to honor the Feast of the Black Nazarene.
马科斯总统宣布1月9日为马尼拉特别非工作日, 以纪念黑色拿撒勒人节, President Marcos has declared January 9th a special non-working day in Manila to honor the Feast of the Black Nazarene, a significant religious event attracting millions of devotees. 这个被称为Trasclacion的游行纪念了黑拿撒勒人雕像从原来的地点转移到基亚波,这一传统可追溯到1787年。 The procession, known as the Traslacion, commemorates the transfer of the statue of the Black Nazarene from its original location to Quiapo, a tradition that dates back to 1787. 将部署13 000多名安保人员,以确保活动期间的安全和秩序。 Over 13,000 security personnel will be deployed to ensure safety and order during the event.