28人在勒克瑙因2018年社区冲突期间谋杀Chandan Gupta而被定罪。 28 people were convicted in Lucknow for the murder of Chandan Gupta during 2018 communal clashes.
勒克瑙一个特别的NIA法院对28人定罪,因为他们参与2018年在Kasganj的Tiranga Yatra社区冲突期间谋杀Chandan Gupta。 A special NIA court in Lucknow convicted 28 individuals for their involvement in the murder of Chandan Gupta during communal clashes in Kasganj during a Tiranga Yatra in 2018. 被定罪人面临谋杀、暴乱和煽动叛乱等指控。 The convicted face charges including murder, rioting, and sedition. 两名个人因证据不足而被宣告无罪。 Two individuals were acquitted due to insufficient evidence. 预计不久将宣布判刑。 The sentencing is expected to be announced soon.