北达科他州的莫特(Mott)创下世界纪录, 在新年前夕同时发射最大规模的16英寸烟花。 Mott, North Dakota, set a world record for the largest simultaneous launch of 16-inch fireworks on New Year's Eve.
在除夕夜,北达科他州的莫特(Mott)在大约5 000名观众面前,制作了全世界最大的一次同时发射16英寸烟花和12发炮弹的纪录。 On New Year's Eve, Mott, North Dakota, set a world record for the largest simultaneous launch of 16-inch fireworks, with 12 shells, in front of about 5,000 spectators. 这次活动得到了世界记录学院的认证,所有收益将捐给大平原粮食银行。 The event was certified by the World Record Academy, and all proceeds will be donated to the Great Plains Food Bank.